Welcome to Riverwalk Vista

Manager’s Messages



The NEXT COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE IS SCHEULED FOR October 12th and 13th. Signs will be placed at the main entrances on Indiana and La Sierra the week of the event. 



A coyote den has been identified on the slope behind Vista Loop, facing Vista Terrace. A coyote was spotted in this area this morning. This information, accompanied by a photograph, has been reported to the 311 call center. The Department of Fish and Game will conduct further investigations regarding this issue.

As a precautionary measure, we strongly advise all residents, particularly those who walk to school or own small pets, to avoid this area for the time being.

The photograph attached to this message was taken by our property manager. Please note that the coyote was not exhibiting any signs of aggression at the time of the sighting. However, we strongly recommend against approaching any coyotes that you might encounter.

If you do happen to spot a coyote, we kindly ask that you take a photograph and send it to the 311 Call Center at callcenter@riversideca.gov. This will assist in keeping an accurate record of sightings.

Please be aware that coyotes are a protected species. As such, they will not be trapped unless they show signs of aggression or have attacked a pet or person.

We thank you for your attention to this matter and for your cooperation in ensuring the safety of our community.


Community Updates

Pet Concerns:

Please remember that the rules of the community state that ALL pets must be on a leash in the common area. Even though you may think your pet is cute and harmless, the rules still apply. And please, kindly clean up after your pet. Doggie bag stations are located throughout the common areas of the community for your use. This is a health concern issue. The community does not have a pooper scooper service, and this is not a landscaper duty.

Parking near corner curb areas:

The manager has received multiple complaints from residents of vehicles parking close to the intersections, blocking a clear view for those turning to another street. Vehicles should park 14 feet back from the corner to allow a clear view.


New Solar Stop Signs on Grande Vista

If you have recently traveled down the main street of Grande Vista, you have seen the two new solar stop signs. These signs have been very successful in slowing down the speeding traffic and making the community safer. The next phase in the project will be a red curbing at the end of Grande Vista and Ledgewood area to allow vehicles to safely exit from Ledgewood. In addition, a crosswalk will be added to allow parking on the other side of the street for those households who may need it.


Older Entries>>


3338 Grande Vista Pkwy
Riverside, CA 92503
phone | (949) 450-0202

Management Team

Bonnie Atkinson | batkinson@actionlife.com

Katie Schanz | kschanz@actionlife.com

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
1250 Corona Pointe Ct, Suite 404
Corona, CA 92879
phone | (949) 450-0202

Corporate Office
2603 Main Street, Suite 500
Irvine, CA 92614
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303